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How To Use The Boss Planner Mini

THE MONTHLY CALENDAR  | It all starts with a full look at your next 30 days. Use the calendar to mark your important dates, projects, goals, appointments, and anything else you want at a glance. On the side, use your boxes to track important personal or professional monthly dates.


START OF MONTH BIZ CHECK-IN  | The Biz Check-in is your first official snapshot of where your business stands when you first start using this planner. It’s important to take note of your starting point, so you can see if you’re growing or need to spice things up a little! Use this area to track your Sales To Date, your Top Sales Sources, what’s currently working to help you grow your business, and where your marketing starting point is for the month. 

If you need help finding your Top Sales Sources (or want to know what the heck that even means) then follow this link to see a blog post with all the details:



YTD (Year To Date) Sales = How many total sales you’ve made so far this year


Monthly Average = Your YTD Sales ÷ The Number Of Months So Far This Year


Weekly Average = Your Monthly Average For Sales ÷ 4


Daily Average = Your Monthly Average For Sales ÷ How Many Days Are In The Month



While social media and emails are a fun way to stay connected to your audience – you aren’t in the business of doing things for fun (and free) that aren’t profitable too. Many online business owners struggle to remember this as they try to remain social online. To help you make sure all your marketing efforts are fun, social, and profitable – The Boss Planner mini gives you space to track your marketing metrics at the start of the month, set goals, and track your weekly progress throughout the month to make sure you’re hitting those goals. Here are some of the important metrics that businesses need to know about social media and marketing to make sure they’re profitable:


EMAIL LIST – Number of subscribers and your average open rate


SOCIAL MEDIA – Number of followers, number of new followers, how many times your being contacted by leads from each social platform, and how many of those leads turn into sales


PINTEREST – Number of monthly followers and your most re-pinned pin


THE BLANK SPACE – Every Marketing Metrics tracker has one blank bubble to use for any additional social platform you’re on or a marketing metric of your choice! Not on another social platform and not sure what else to track? I recommend tracking any of the following items: website traffic, social media ads, sales calls and closing rate, your business Facebook group, etc.


START OF MONTH GOALS  | You have Big Boss Lady goals about building your online empire – it’s time to start making goals reality! The Start Of Month Goals pages are here to help you break down those big picture goals into what you’re going to do this month to get there. The metrics in this planner are very sales, marketing, and action-oriented because these are the top metrics all online businesses need to be tracking and growing monthly to get to the big picture growth. But don’t just think you’re going to write these down once and forget about them till the end of the month. These goals are going to be tracked weekly to show you if you’re on track to make these goals happen or if you might need to re-evaluate and tweak your strategy as you go. Big Boss Lady goals are not to be taken lightly – so to make sure they happen, we know our numbers.



For this section of your goal setting, you’ll declare how much money you’d like to make this month (also called “this month’s goal”), what that breaks down to each week (divide your monthly goal by 4) and what how much you’ll need to make per day (divide the monthly goal by how many days are in the month).

Since we’re getting clear on how much you want to sell this month, we also want you to get clear on what you’ll sell, the quantity (QTY) of each product or service you need to sell to hit your monthly goal, and break down your action plan for how you plan to sell each product. Once you have all that, do yourself a favor and plan out any prep work you need to do throughout the month to get ready to sell your products and services.

For example, if you’ll upsell your planner from a free downloadable PDF that you run Facebook ads for, here’s what your “Is there any pre-work needed?” section might look like:


Create Freebie → Create Freebie Opt-In Page → Create Page To Upsell Planner Once Download Freebie And Link → Create Facebook Ad → Launch Ad


By writing down all the steps in prep work that you need to do to be able to sell your products and services in the beginning of the month, you will be able to set deadlines for yourself and pre-schedule those tasks into the rest of your month.



Your business and life is filled with more goals than just your sales and marketing metrics. To help you succeed further, we’ve given you space to jot down more goals you’d like to track over the next 30 days. Are you trying to get a speaking gig or run your first 5K? Keep all your goals together and track them using this space. At the end of the  month, you can use your Final Thoughts sheet to reflect on these goals as well as your game plan for moving forward.


MONTHLY CONTENT PLAN  | Your marketing is important. While you’re planning your marketing content each week, use the simple boxes on the Content Plan to plan out your weekly theme and what you’re going to do each week. Planning your content in one spot is a great way to see how it’s all going to come together to work towards your business and sales goals. But remember – overplanned, overambitious, and overcomplicated marketing doesn’t lead to better success. The best marketing strategy is the one you’ll execute.

To help you save space and quickly plan your content, use the following key to abbreviate what you’re going to work on each week or create your own!



E – Emails

FB –  Facebook posts

IG –  Instagram posts

T – Twitter posts

P – Pinterest pins

L – Live videos and streams

Pod – Podcast episodes

V – Recorded videos


WEEKLY RUNDOWN  | You already know what your monthly goals are, now it’s time to break down some of those monthly goals into weekly goals. The Weekly Rundown is where you’ll declare your goals for the week, what you’re going to sell, and even a brief how you’re going to sell. You’re also going to get your first chance to talk about a few recurring trackables. 



MY FOCUS THIS WEEK IS –  Think of your weekly focus as where you’re going to spend the majority of your energy and efforts this week. Then, just like that Boss Lady theme song you secretly have – keep your weekly focus on repeat during the week. Let it remind you of what’s going to get you one step closer to your empire.


MONEY MAKING TASKS –  There are many different types of tasks you’ll do in your business. Some are to keep your lights on (like paying bills and sending invoice) and some are to communicate with the outside world (like answering emails). Money Making Tasks are the tasks you do that directly lead to making you money. For example, one of my money making tasks is to show up in my free Facebook group, Her Biz on Fleek, because that is one of the ways I sell my products, courses, and coaching. Your Money Making Tasks might be different. You may need to have 8 sales calls to hit your closing rate, or host a weekly webinar where you sell your signature course, make 3 Instagram Stories promoting your session opening, or even tweak your Facebook ads that sell your planner! Whatever your Money Making Tasks are – use this space to call yourself out on them and give them highlighted attention.


PROJECTS – A girl’s got to work! What projects do you have coming up that you need to work on during the week? Keep track of what those projects are and when their deadlines are.


APPOINTMENTS – While you’re planning your week, don’t forget to include any important business meetings, personal appointments, and team (or team of one!) weekly meetings.


TOP TASKS – As an online entrepreneur, eveyday is a new adventure filled with new tasks. While you’re taking a few minutes to plan your week, brainstorm whether there are any important tasks that need to get done. Make note of what each task is and when you plan to work on it during the week. Remember, planning is great but you must carve out the time to execute in order to succeed.


If you ever have a task that needs to carry on into the next day or week, try placing an arrow next to that task to remind yourself to put it on your Top Tasks or Top 4 Priorities tasks later.


DAILY TRACKER  | Once you have the important rundown for the week, you can choose to time block that information into your week all at once or spend five minutes each morning to plan your day. Each Daily Tracker gives you room to design your day from one hour to the next, remind yourself what your focused efforts are, decide what your Top 4 Priorities and tasks are, and list out any additional tasks you may need to complete. (Don’t forget that sweet, sweet feeling of checking completed tasks off as you complete them!) 

Need room to take notes? You got it! The Boss Planner mini gives you room to take notes daily so you can refer back to them, instead of losing all those Post-It notes you never look at again. 

Each Daily Tracker also has room to take five minutes at the end of your day to reflect back and journal on what went well and what you’d like to improve on. Use this area to help you add self-reflection and personal growth to your journey to becoming the Boss you want to be tomorrow.


END OF WEEK WRAP UP  | Whether your week ends on Friday at 5 pm or Sunday night, it’s important to take a few minutes to go over your week. If you have a team, the End Of Week Wrap Up is a perfect way to get everyone on the same page to how your business is performing and brainstorm how to make the next week even better. 

During your Wrap Up, you’ll track what your weekly and daily sales averages were, what your top seller was, and ask yourself three questions about whether or not these numbers show you as being on track to meet your monthly goals or if you need to take a few minutes to tweak your strategies. You’ll also update yourself on how your marketing numbers have improved this week.

Your Weekly Breakdown is the space to reflect on how your sales and weekly plan worked out. Use this page to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and what you can improve on next week. When you know what you need to improve on, make sure you complete the last step – deciding how and when to implement your new improvement ideas!


END OF MONTH REFLECTIONS  | You made it! How does it feel to have planned your month like a Boss? Now that the month is over, it’s time to add up the final numbers for your sales and marketing. How did your focus this month help you achieve the goals you set at the beginning of the month? You can reflect one last time about what worked this month, what didn’t, and what improvements you’re going to commit to making next month. Finally, the last Boss Planner mini move is to reflect on your month and how you plan on moving forward. Remember, whether you grew a “Hell Yeah” amount or wish it was more, true Bosses understand the need to take a deeper look at what they’re doing and how they can constantly improve in order to be the most successful, fulfilled online entrepreneur they can be. Let yourself grow into the Boss you want to be tomorrow.